Sunday, May 24, 2015

brain teasers can you solve them ?

can you solve these hard riddles . lets see who's the first to solve them  made by linda                                                                    

  • I'm tall when I'm young and short when I'm old  
  • what has hands but cannot clap 
  • what is at the end of rainbow 
  • why was the frog so happy 
  • what can run but cant walk                    

if you can write it or  tell me that can be  awsome  

Samoan Language

This week is Samoan language week. In Room 7, we have David, Tyler and Vaughan who identify as Samoan and they will be sharing some words that we can use in our classroom.

Fafatai - Thank you

Talofa Lava - Hi/Hello

Gofo Lalo - Sit down

Alu Fafo - Go outside

Sao I - Come here

Gofa - Goodbye

Gano - Hold

Gusi lalo - Write it down

Word World - Adding new words to our vocabulary!

Repair - to fix things that are broken.

I went to the mechanic to repair my car. (Greenstone)

Ancient - something that is very old.

My grandmother's jewelry box is very ancient. (Mercedes)

Crooked - something that is not straight.

My fingers were crooked. (Sunlesh)

Dim - very little light.

My room is very dim in the afternoon. (Safwaan)

Blouse - a woman's shirt that has buttons on it.

When I went to the clothes shop, I saw a blouse. (Tyler)

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Linda's new sentence starters

hi guys i made up three new sentence starter for your writing mileage 

  • as she turned the corner 

  • as I tiptoed down the stairs leaving a footprint 

  • once I woke up and the light started flickering as if there was an invisible ghost  

Friday, May 22, 2015

linda's hot red lava

hi guys i want to tell you that i found new information about the moon . so picture this one million years ago the moon was just a ball of hot red lava  until it started blowing up . thats why there are mountains and craters on the moon 
by Linda Uasi

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

What a question.      Wow! This impossible fast finisher activity will blow my head off! If you think it can't                       be that hard,then read the question: Use the digits 4,5,6 and 7 to create two 3 digit numbers where the sum is between 1,000 and 1,100 and the difference is less than 100. Some strategies I used were to use the small numbers so it can be between 1,000 and 1,100 but also I had to remember that the difference is less than a hundred. So I had to use one small number and one bigger number. Well, if you think you're brainy enough to do it.

Planet Pluto!!

Planet Pluto is the Roman God for the underworld. It is probably two tenths of the planet Earth. It is now the third smallest planet in our solar system. Planet Pluto is an unique planet to observe!!

By Vivian Falefoou

Monday, May 18, 2015

Rihansh writing club

With miss nelson we learnt about the ancient polynesians were the best ever navigators about 1000 years ago.They used constalations and currents of the sea to navigate.Also the clouds reflect on the island so they can see the island.

By Rihansh

shivika's facts

Did you know that jupiter, is the fifth planet from the sun ,and that it has rings .I think that plout, is called a dawf plant because it the end of our solar system ,and that it's smallest

by shivika

Sunday, May 17, 2015

☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Room 7's observations and knowledge about space ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★

☆★ This week, we have been researching about planets in our solar system. We would like to share some of our knowledge about space. ☆★

- Saturn takes 29 and a half years to orbit around the sun.
- Pluto was known as the Roman God of the underworld. 
- Greek people thought that Jupiter was as big as Zeus. 
- Venus has phases like the moon because it's inbetween the Earth and the Sun.
- Mercury takes 59 days to complete the turn from day and night.
- It takes 84 years for Uranus to orbit the sun.

We are proud of what we have learnt.  :)